
Monday, November 6, 1995

A friend that follows me

 A friend that follows me

She's always there with me

And has never fought with me.

A friend, she follows me

Wherever and whenever I go.

A friend who never leaves my company

Till I'm asleep

Or may be not.

I'm never lonely

Till I have her.

But who knows

Till when I have her.

She's a friend

But a dumb one indeed

Without an advice to give

or to talk to.

She's just a copy cat of me

Doing whatever I do

And if you guessed it

What I'm writing about...

You're jolly well right

She's nothing but

my silly, dumb shadow

weighing nothing at all.



 These are lovely, innocent creatures

Always so full of life and happiness

They don't harm nature

But exist only in it-

A good way of living.

Without the care of money,

Food they get in their surroundings.

Their good, happy minds without jealousy.

Love, the most important treasure

which exists only in them...

Is the best thing they have and give.

Being an animal,

so peaceful, playful friends

Is the best form of life

Ever known to me.
